Ayurveda is knowledge of life.

Ayurveda is made up of two Sanksrit words: “ayu,” meaning life, and “veda,” meaning knowledge. So, Ayurveda translates to the “knowledge of life,” or the study of living.

Ayurveda has a very interesting approach to defining health. Ayurveda looks at three energies within our body (doshas), referred to as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, to determine if they are “balanced.” Ayurveda also takes into consideration our digestive fire, how all of our systems and organs are functioning, and if one feels a sense of contentment in one’s mind, senses, and spirit.

Everything in Ayurveda revolves around a connection between the mind, body, and spirit. Ayurveda is a holistic practice with the intention of harmonizing all of these elements.

The Doshas

  • Vata

    Vata energy is made up of the elements space and air, and this energy controls movement and circulation within our bodies. This includes all voluntary and involuntary movement. For example, Vata controls the movement that makes our blood flow, the movement of our breath, and how our nervous system flows. On a mental level, Vata moves the subtle energy of prana - or vital life force - flowing through our body. This vital force is responsible for our sense, our mind, and our consciousness.

  • Pitta

    Pitta energy is made up of the elements fire and water. It is responsible for all of the chemical transformations within our body. To make chemical transformations possible, you need heat or fire. For example, during digestion, there is a transformation of nutrients into energy or there is a transformation of nutrients into healthy cells within our bodies. On a mental level, Pitta is responsible for digesting or processing our thoughts, so they don't hang around and make us crazy.

  • Kapha

    Kapha energy is made up of the elements water and earth. Kapha's stabilizing energy grounds and nourishes our bodies, and it lubricates our tissues and joints. Kapha also regulates the balance of water in all of our systems, such as the fluids in the brain, blood, and cells. On a mental level, Kapha energy regulates our clarity and comprehension of information. It also is responsible for how well our memory functions. It protects our nervous system by its nourishing and grounding force.

Meet Lily Malick


Meet Lily Malick 〰️

Lily Malick is a Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner (CAP). She's also Justine's mom! Lily began her Ayurvedic journey in 2014 when she was searching for a way to learn about nutritional medicine. She found a home in the wonderful teachings, science, and philosophies of Ayurveda.

Ayurveda is a holisitic practice with the intention of harmonizing the connection between mind, body, and spirit. As a long time pilates student, Lily understands Ayurveda coupled with a holistic movement practice such as pilates is truly a nourishing recipe for optimal health. As the in-house Ayurvedic Practitioner at Sapphire, she is excited to meet more people that are curious about Ayurveda and who want to learn more. Whether it be through cooking, nutritional guidance, or other lifestyle practices, she looks forward to helping you integrate Ayurveda into your life.

Book a consult.

  • During your initial session, Lily will do an intake, which entails reviewing your health history, current lifestyle, and diet habits. You will also discuss your present health concerns. From there, you will work together to construct a plan towards better health and can address any of the below listed offerings: Nutritional Guidance, Cooking, and Health & Wellness.

  • Generally, sessions are available Monday through Wednesday and Saturdays from 11am to 4pm. If you would need to schedule a session outside of these windows, just let us know & we will do our best to accomnodate!

  • Initial Consult $125
    Follow-up $75

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